

分类:生肖 作者:吉名坊 日期:2025-01-21 01:47:59 浏览:570


1. Rat(鼠)
  The Rat is a symbol of intelligence and adaptability. It represents the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar.

2. Ox(牛)
  The Ox stands for strength and steadfastness, representing the second month and hardworking qualities.

3. Tiger(虎)
  The Tiger signifies courage and power, embodying the third month''s spirit of bravery.

4. Rabbit(兔)
  The Rabbit is a symbol of peace and tranquility, representing the fourth month''s gentle nature.

5. Dragon(龙)
  The Dragon represents wisdom and success, embodying the fifth month''s power and majesty.

6. Snake(蛇)
  The Snake signifies flexibility and wisdom, representing the sixth month''s adaptability.

7. Horse(马)
  The Horse embodies the spirit of energy and vigor, standing for the seventh month''s swiftness.

8. Sheep/Goat(羊/猴)
  Sheep stands for kindness and gentleness, while the Monkey represents cleverness and playfulness.

9. Rooster(鸡)
  The Rooster signifies diligence and honesty, embodying the tenth month''s hardworking nature.

10. Dog(狗)
  The Dog represents loyalty and courage, embodying the eleventh month''s strong companionship.

11. Pig(猪)
  The Pig is a symbol of abundance and peace, signifying the end of the cycle at the twelfth month.

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